Warning: I'm pretty sure I have a fever, so apologies in advance for any loopiness you detect in this post.
That's the only way to describe this weekend. And it's not even over.
Calling it shitty might be a bit dramatic considering that everything is fine, and there are naturally more serious things. But it's just been a weekend with a string of bad luck.
On Thursday I started feeling sick with a cold - my third one since starting my new job 5 months ago. I guess that's what happens when you work with thousands of people and touch all the same handles and buttons. Eww.
Friday it got worse, and I had to drive all the way to Loomis for a dress rehearsal for dance. It was a struggle but I made it through.
Then yesterday was just awful. I was sicker and had zero energy. I had my dance recital in the afternoon, and I figured I'd muster up enough strength to drive to Loomis again and dance one number full out. But first, I had to run a couple errands.
Sure, running errands when you're sick is stupid. But in my delirium, I figured running to a couple places around the corner wouldn't hurt anyone.
As I pulled into the post office, my tire pressure light turned on. I heard the hissing sound as soon as I approached my back tire. Shit. After going inside and coming back out, the tire was slowly leaking, and I knew it would be flat soon. All at a time when I had an hour to get my show makeup on and drive to my dance show.
Thankfully, my Grams lives close by, and she said I could borrow her car. So I trudged my way up to my dance show, feeling like I could faint at any minute from my cold. I danced and immediately left, heading home and basically passing out on the couch at 7. I was in and out of sleep for awhile, feeling so loopy.
Then there was a big wake-up call at about 9:15. I observed outside from my balcony three cop cars with flashing lights and a circling helicopter calling out with a megaphone. Well that can't be a good sign.
The cops finally went away after about 15 minutes, so I passed out and slept for a good 10 more hours.
Today, I called AAA to come fix my tire, and those bastards said they wouldn't come out until tomorrow because I'd only renewed my roadside assistance membership yesterday, and they have a 48-hour waiting period. WTF. So I cancelled my membership, and I'm seriously considering changing insurance as well since they wouldn't work with me. Bitches!
I headed to my Grams' today, and my aunt and I tried to start the tire changing process - me with my cold/cough, and her in sandles. This was going to turn out well.
We made an effort, but we couldn't get the bolts loosened. So we called my uncle, who came and changed it to my spare, all the while rain starts coming down (in June!). I'll get it fixed tomorrow before I head out of town to Denver for work.
Oh, and did I mention I think I found out why my cat throws up all the time? I've given her the same food for years, and apparently she's experiencing an allergy, which is why it's recommended you switch your cat's food every few months. I'm a terrible owner!
So yes, this has been my weekend thus far. I feel like crap, my car is effed up, and I live in the ghetto. It could be worse, of course. And I'm a firm believer that when a bunch of bad luck comes your way, the good inevitably follows. So here's to a week of (hopefully) good luck!