Thursday, January 5, 2012

Being Happy = Writer's Block

These last few months have been pretty tough on me in regards to blogging material.

For one thing - I'm trying to remain somewhat professional since I decided to friend my co-workers (and bosses) on Facebook, and they can easily discover my blog since it's listed on my profile. Sure, I'll throw a curse word in my posts every now and again, but those fly around freely at our staff meetings, so no problems there. Still - maybe this is contributing a bit to my being less candid on here?

Another reason - and this is probably the main one - I'm freakin' happy. OK, so it's not like I was ever unhappy (well, there was a strange phase in my life in early 2008 where I got somewhat emo), but this last year has been absolutely magical. And no one wants to read about pleasantness. It either comes off like I'm bragging (like all those people who bug on Facebook when they update their statuses constantly about how perfect their boyfriends/friends/meals/dogs/cocktails are.....*cringe!*) or it just sounds like I have no life outside of my job or boyfriend, considering those two things take up a considerable amount of real estate in my head.

I'm not a traitor to all of the great things that have happened in my life (because lord knows, I'm not missing unhappiness), but I have to admit it's a lot easier to blog when I have some built up tension or resentment. These days? It's pretty smooth sailing. And no one wants to read about that.

So my apologies to my 5 readers for being completely boring lately. I guess being happy comes with a price - I no longer have crazy dating stories, and my job is basically the same kind of fabulousness every day. Maybe I'm more inspired when I'm sad or angry....who knows?

Well, maybe I just need to suck it up and blog anyway. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm nowhere close to being job- or boyfriend-obsessed, so I guess I just need to get over my fear of appearing that way. And really - there's nothing wrong with being happy! I guess it's just weird to get used to :)

Speaking of happy, this weekend my food connections at work are reaping a new benefit - a free meal! I'm going to be reviewing a super nice restaurant in Old Sacramento for our blog at work, and Ty gets to come with me! So yes, there really are all kinds of free perks that come with working in PR.

Did I mention I'm addicted to meth now? Whooooooaaaa, now wouldn't that be one hell of a confession to make on a public forum? Actually, I'm just addicted to a show about meth now. It's called "Breaking Bad," and Ty and I decided to get hooked (sadly, pun intended) over New Year's weekend. While most people were spending the last hours of 2011 getting hammered, throwing confetti and making out with randoms, the BF and I were on a "Breaking Bad" binge. This show is ammmmmaaaazzzzing! I guess all of the sitting on the couch really wore us out because we fell asleep at 11 on New Year's Eve. So I rang in 2012 snoring away and dreaming of cooking crystal. Ahhh, just how every New Year's should be.

Happy 2012!

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